Roast turkey(fresh not frozen, with stuffing)

Boston Cream Pie (from Fratelli's Bakery)
Thanksgiving, why do i love i this wonderful holiday? Well it's not just the amazing meal (although that is near the top of the list). Its a day to be thankful for all the wonderful people we have in our lives wether it be family or friend, but also to reflect back on those who were in our lives and are no longer with us but we never forget. So if i don't let the people in my life know how much you mean to me, then let me tell you now and say how thankful i am to have such great friends and family.
Growing up we used to host a huge Thanksgiving dinner with about 12-14 people, but in the latter years we keep it very low key .
Now I love to start the morning with a hot cup of coffee and the Macy's day parade, i have loved this wonderful parade for as long as i can remember.
For me its not about the C list celebrities the network throws in there to promote their failing tv shows. Its also not about the "top 40" singers who lip sync their hit single that God knows i am already sick of hearing. Its about the Rockettes, doing their thing for the last 50 years, its the crazy big balloons (yay just saw Charlie Brown when i was typing this) being lead by hundreds of volunteers , its seeing the high school kids from all over the country who are away from their families on this the ultimate family holiday just so they can play live music and to march in the cold weather for our entertainment, its about the Broadway shows that give us a peak of one of their numbers from their shows for free.
When its all over, you practically have seen an entire Broadway show without paying $75. Also you get to see Al Roker, which is always a plus for me (insert sarcastic tone).
I am sure quite a lot of you are attending your high school rivalry game today, and for that i wish your team a big win. Unfortunatly my high school is no longer with us (We're from Bosco, and no one could be prouder, and if you cannot hear us, we'll shout a little louder) , sadly Don Bosco Tech is no longer in Boston, our rival was Dom Savio high school. Don Bosco upon closing became a Double Tree Hotel, so i guess our new rival would be Best Western. Not sure how could a football game that would be though. Oh well, Let's Go Bosco !!
Shortly after this, while the house is filled with the ridiculous aroma of turkey and stuffing wafting through the house. I ilke to set the table and get ready for some football watching. I know what you're thinking "how does he need to get ready to sit and watch tv? " Well its an excellent question, i need to put together an ensemble that is both appealing to eye, as well as provide me with comfort as i start munching on celery sticks with cream cheese (if i add raisins i call them ants on a log), some cheese and crackers, this year i bought some port wine cheese, and a lovely sharp wisconsin cheddar, and of course my favorite….stuffed mushrooms. On a side note, Carly Rae Jebsen is "singing" on the parade right now, and her mouth is not moving in sync with the words being sung….suspect.
I normally don't care who is playing in the NFL games today, its football and that makes me happy. But tonight, my beloved Patriots are playing the evil Jets, so it has the benefit of being a day of eating and football topped off with the hometown team playing a big rival….delicious.
I wonder if Tom Brady is watching the parade right now too and hoping that Gisele made some stuffed mushrooms.
From that, we lead into the Thanksgiving turkey dinner …dramatic pause….My dad actually cooks the bird on this holiday and i must give props to pops, he does a wonderful job. The turkey is always very moist and flavorful. For side dishes we have mashed potatoes with scallions, creamed pearl onions, carrots & parsnips mashed together, sweet potato (not for me, i am not a fan), peas, which i will give you a little tip, if you make a hole in the middle of the mashed potato then put a generous scoop of peas in the middles and a pat of butter, then put a roof of potato on top of the peas you will essentially be building a peas in a blanket. This is a culinary treat that i would rank up with my favorites. Of course i almost forgot to mention the stuffing….as a self described bread addict, stuffing to me is an essential part of the meal. I am fan of bread stuffing , with onions, peppers, celery and italian sausage . But on my culinary bucket list is to try oyster stuffing some day, i love oysters and i love stuffing, so i have it locked in my head that it would be an amazing combination.
After this uber-meal, i am so stuffed i can't even move , so a brief nap time ensues. When thats over , its dessert time…this year its Boston Cream Pie (1 of my favorites), from Fratelli's bakery in Quincy. A fabulous Italian bakery in Quincy.
Tomorrow might be a work day, but i know i have a leftover turkey sandwich to bring with me and i just <3 a leftover sandwich, but tomorrow will also bring the official beginning of the Christmas season and that just warms my heart.
So i leave you all with with a Happy Thanksgiving and a Happy Holiday season.
K.M. Boyle
on a side note, check out Bone Appetit Barkery on Facebook, for homemade doggy treats.
Don't your dogs deserve the very best?