Friday, July 13, 2012

Special posting...the likes and dislikes of the author

I feel like i have been neglecting my blog lately. I enjoy it very much so just because i am not going out to dinner as much lately i can still share my foodie thoughts and recipes i have tried with everyone.

I don't have a particular recipe to offer at this time, but one topic that comes up quite often with friends/family/acquaintances is my declarations of things i don't enjoy. Sorry but if i don't like something, people are gonna hear about it. So for anyone who is interested below is a list of foods i enjoy and others i despise, for those who think i am picky the likes out way the dislikes.

Chicken dishes                                                                  
Egg dishes (just about every conceivable way)                    
Shell fish (shrimp, crab, oysters, clam, etc)      
Boston cream pie (see also Boston cream donuts)
Boiled Lobster on my birthday
Corn on the cobb
Peas ( combine with mashed potatoes ..Amazing)
Carrots & parsnips (mashed together)
Potatoes (mashed, boiled, fried)    
Pies (Pecan, pumpkin, cherry, blueberry, rhubarb, key lime, lemon meringue, apricot)            
Chocolate covered cherries (the real kind, not the kind bought at CVS)
Coconut milk/water
French Toast /Pancakes
 Black breakfast pudding (If you're Irish you know what it is)
Grilled English Muffins
Product 19 cereal
Captain Crunch ( best kids cereal)
Apple Jacks (best cereal ever)
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (i prefer the white to the green)
Chocolate frappes /Milk Shakes
Dr. Pepper    
Alfredo sauce (why does something so amazing have to be sooooo bad for you)
Ice Mountain bottled water
Tomatos ( i could eat a tomato like an apple)
BREAD ( fresh bakery bread is my weakness, O'Briens bakery's Oatmeal bread ..just thinking about it, i need a moment to myself )
the rolls at Bertucci's
White wine in the Summer  ( pinot grigio, and sauvion blanc are particular favorites)
Red wine in the cooler seasons
French Fries  ( with Salt (although not anymore) , or malt vinegar or honey mustard, and thats it)
thick onion rings
stuffed shells (my favorite freshly made pasta dish)
left over spaghetti and meatballs, reheated in a frying pan with a lil butter
stuffed mushrooms
asparagus (grilled)
soft pretzels with yellow mustard
red licorice
Izze juice drinks
a really well cooked grilled cheese on a cold night, with tomato soup
homemade mac & cheese
oreos (i will also eat a hydrox)
jelly candies (swedish fish/ fruit slices)
red grapes
plums (the juicier the better)
a fresh peach
Olga's iced coffees
grapefruit juice
Fish tacos

Chicken on pizza
Eggplant(just about every conceivable way)
Every member of the melon family
Dishes that come with cooked shrimp that leaves the shell on the tail, that is infuriating to me
Potatoes ( Baked , shoe string, curly)
Banana flavored foods,  (ie banana flavored candy)
Kit Kats  (yuck)
Coconut candies or desserts (ie Almond Joys, Mounds)
White breakfast pudding (if your Irish , you know what it is)
flakey pastries ( i like doughy)
Every member of the Squash family
Diet Pepsi
skim milk in coffee or tea
home fries (with 1 exception, The Friendly Toasts' in Cambridge, theirs i will eat)
Necco Wafers
Jolly Ranchers
Tuna/chicken/egg salad out , i will never order these 3 things out at a restaurant.
Eating any kind of meat on a bone
green beans (except in casserole)
cookies with raisins
shoe string onion rings


  1. "Eating any kind of meat on the bone" - what kind of food critic are you?!?!?!?!
