Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 15 Breakfast at The Friendly Toast

Coconut Cakes (a pancake with cashews, shredded coconut, chocolate chips and drizzled with coconut sauce for  $6.75)

My love for The Frienly Toast in Cambridge,MA is well documented.  Today was a day for trying new things, i am not a huge fan of coconut(except the water and milk) but i just felt like trying something a little different today. So when my friend order the coconut cakes, i threw caution to the wind and said make that 2 please (i did the same thing out for supper last night , when i ordered the same grilled cheese as my friend Rob).  The waiter said do i want 1 or 2, i asked how big they said 1 covers a plate, so i thought 1 would be sufficient. Wow was i right, i couldn't even finish the 1 i ordered. Its absolutely delicious and soooo flavorful. But its a dense pancake and heavy with toppings, 1 is more than most people could eat.  For 2 coffees, 2 juices and 2 pancakes, the total came to  $26 and change.  Very reasonable for good quality food.  

I have a few people who have asked me to let them know when i go, and this is 1 place that i will always make time to go with someone to introduce them to my favorite breakfast joint.  So come 1 come all, lets all go to the Friendly Toast and soak up the great food and atmosphere.

Have a scrumptious day and a great meal.

Kevin B.

1 comment:

  1. Ok Kevin, we really need to go there for breakfast sometime soon. Looks great!
