Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 25- Dinner at Ristorante Molise

calamari fritti ( with white wine, lemon, hot cherry peppers and olive oil)

 Fettucini con Funghi 

 Lobster and tomato bisque

 Dinner special, with chicken, spinach and linguini

Well this was a treat for me, i don't venture to this neck of the woods to often. But it was a last minute suggestion made by dining companions, Andrea & Eric.  This is a regular stomping ground for them, so i was excited to try their recommendation.  We started our meal with some calamari, and it was delicious. I love calamari, and this was some of the best i have had. It had just the right amount of flavor and spice with the peppers and white wine and olive oil. Not overly breaded, and had a nice mixture of rings and lil mini tentacles. I used to have a thing about eating the mini tentacles, but i got over it quick. So tasty when done right.  Eric and i had the soup that came with our entrees , lobster and tomato bisque. I am a HUGE fan of bisques, and lobster is right at the top. This was nice and creamy, served very hot and flavorful, but i think the lobster swam through the soup and then jumped out before they brought it to the table (maybe it had tickets to see Blue Man Group) because there was not an ounce of meat in the bowl of soup they brought to us. Nevertheless i did enjoy the taste of the soup very much.

Andrea got 1 of the dinner specials, pictured above. It included chicken, spinach and linguini, she said she enjoyed it very much. It looked like a good portion. Eric ordered the veal with potatoes, my feelings about veal prohibit me from commenting on it or taking a picture of it, but Eric seemed to enjoy it, so if you are a fan of veal it appears to be good.  I ordered something different than i normally go with, a mushroom based entree. It was the Fettucini con Funghi, with garlic, mushrooms and sausage in a parmesan cream sauce. It was superb, i enjoyed it thoroughly but it was such a big portion i had too take some home with me,  it made for a nice lunch the next day at work.  It had plenty of sausage and mushroom, and the sauce was a nice partner for the pasta it wasn't overpowering. 

Overall, i would recommend Ristorante Molise to anyone who finds themselves in the Wakefield area. It has a nice ambiance with very friendly wait staff.  

Have a good night and a great meal.

Kevin M Boyle   xoxo

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