Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 27, Lunch at B Good Burger was A-bysmal

b-good Burgers  (Real food fast...perhaps a little too fast)

 a cheese burger with avocado and red cabbage cole slaw

 Perhaps the most undercooked burger i have ever received.

Well for those of you who know me personally, i work near Downtown crossing Boston. I have several decent choices for lunch (Sam LaGrassas, Al's sub shop, Pizzeria Regina) but on 1 particular day i said to myself "Kevin, you need to try something new....expand your horizons".  So after taking a walk around downtown i stumbled upon B Good.  Well never have i regretted going out of my comfort zone more.  First these new high end hamburger places that seem to be the big trend of the moment (5 Guys, Wahlburgers, U Burger, etc etc) are really not all they are made out to be,  i can't say that any of them have good French fries. In fact i would call them lousy and artery closing with the amount of grease they are cooked in. Have any doubts about that statement, carry them in a brown paper bag for a couple of minutes and you will be able to see through the bag they are so covered in grease.  

After having paid $11.75 for the lousy fries, a small coke, and the above burger i had quite high hopes based on B Goods promise of better quality products and the outrageous price ( something that $$ should be amazing) well after 2 bites i saw what i can generously call RAW beef.   For $11.75 they can't even cook a burger fully !!?? 

Now i know what you are thinking "Come on K Dawg why you gotta be hating, anyone can make a mistake!"  I would be the first to agree with you, BUT to me the way a restaurant handles such a major culinary catastrophe is the symbol of a well run establishment.  When i went back to the restaurant to complain, i was walked over to the manager who looked at the burger and said "Ooops how did that happen?  Ha ha ha ?"  Ummm it happened because you people aren't doing your job and don't realize a burger takes more than 14 seconds to fully cook.  
So without asking me what i wanted he told his staff to do a redo of the order.  In fairness they actually cooked it this time, but wow was that burger disgusting. The cole slaw was far too strong and pungent, and an overpowering flavor. 

The next time i want a burger in Downtown crossing, i will be at Wendys or Burger King, because i may not know whats in it, but i know it will be edible and under $10.

Have a great night and a better meal than the 1 i had at b good.

Kevin Boyle

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