Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 12 breakfast at Zaftig's Delicatessen in Coolidge Corner

Empire Eggs (2 poached eggs, on spinach, salmon, and potato pancakes w/ hollandaise sauce)

Today i went to one of my favorite neighborhoods of Boston, Coolidge Corner. It has a cool vibe to it, but with some great shops and not overloaded with the same ole chains you see in every mall.
I talked my friend into having breakfast with me at Zaftig's Delicatessen. I have read some good reviews and heard some good things from friends,but i have never been to an authentic Jewish delicatessen and was apprehensive about whether i would enjoy myself. Well we sat at the counter, which is my favorite place to sit in a breakfast joint. The staff was very attentive and were constantly checking if we needed coffee refills. The restaurant was quite busy for a thursday morning, which is  a very good sign. The menu looked great, and i flip flopped about what to get, but i felt for the purpose of blogging, the Empire eggs benedict was the route to take. It was delicious, the eggs were cooked perfectly, the potato pancake was nice and crispy(thats key for me) and it didn't overload with spinach or Lox. They used a light amount of hollandaise sauce, which was good, because i want to taste the food and not mask the flavor with sauce. The most pleasant surprise was the home fries, they were fantastic !! This is coming from someone who does not like home fries , i would eat these weekly.  The slice of watermelon was a nice touch (if i liked watermelon) but it brought the plate together.  I would definetly go back, and i know i would try the french toast or pancakes with strawberry butter( that just sounds ridiculous). If i had one issue with Zaftig's it would be the prices, i thought they were a skosh high, not outrageous but a lil high for breakfast.

While you are in Coolidge Corner please stop by Julie's nails for a mani/pedi (its the only place i will go), Kupel's for the best bagel i have ever had (thank you for the recommendation Tami), or the Coolidge Corner Clubhouse to grab a burger or to watch a game (sports on every tv in the place and they have A LOT of tv's).

Thats all i have for now, so have a good night and a good meal.

Kevin B.


  1. Woo hoo! I'm glad you liked it Mr. Boyle! And I'm loving your blog!

  2. Sounds very good...good value for the money? Would love to hear that added to your blogs. -- nancy V.
