Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 26 - Dinner at The Harp and Bard in Dorchester

a dirty martini (gin not vodka) with 3 olives

 clam chowdah

 Black and blue cheese burger with fries

Me drinking a Savin Hill Rum Punch

Drink menu

 Paul (aka Pablo) drinking the above mentioned dirty martini

Well this was a dinner out that i needed after a Lonnnnng (code for bad ) day at work. Paul (also known as Pablo) suggested meeting up for cocktails and supper, and after much deliberation ( we couldn't make up our minds, i think we had 3-4 places in mind before finally settling on The Harp and Bard). This is a bar i had established many times but back when it was a dumpy Irish dive bar, but you could have knocked me over with a feather when i walked in and saw a classy joint in the "new and improved"  Harp & Bard.  I hardly recognized the place.  They have a hostess now for the love of Pete !!

So looking to unwind and lose some stress we both decided to order a cocktail, Pablo a dirty martini (with Bombay sapphire gin) and moi a specialty cocktail the Savin Hill Rum Punch (ingredients listed above) , we both were quite pleased with our choices.  I am not normally a fruity umbrella cocktail person but every now and then they hit the spot. After we placed our order, we both decided to enjoy some chowdah. They offered crackers or rolls (we said Both..we're no fools) the chowdah was sublime, lots of clams and nice flavor. But the Rolls....OH...MY ....GOD the rolls. I wanted to smoke a cigarette afterwards. They glaze the rolls with a cinnamon infused butter, its shear madness how amazing they taste. I would rank these rolls with the best i ever had ( right up there with Bertucci's rolls) and since i am self professed bread-a holic , thats saying a lot. 

Paul and i both ordered the same meal, the black and blue cheese burger, but he got a veggie version. I have to say 1st i apologize for the picture above, i had already cut into the burger when i remembered to take a picture of the meal. The burger was very well cooked and had quite a lot of blue cheese, perhaps a smidge too much but still quite a tasty meal. We both enjoyed our version of the meal. The fries were fantastic , nice and thick plus cooked perfectly. If you are like me and hate ketchup, then get some delicious honey mustard for fry dipping. 

I love the new Harp & Bard and i look forward to my next visit there. The staff was very friendly and at tentative, the cocktails tasty and strong, and the food served hot and great sized portions.   Oh and did i mention the rolls !!!  Ridiculous !! 

So have a great night and a great meal.

Kevin M. Boyle I  


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